What does your favorite Daisy say about you?

  1. Derpy Daisy
  2. Sometimes even puppies just cannot. Maybe she ran out of her non-fat vanilla chai latte. Or maybe her instagram was down for the day. Sometimes, puppies just have bad days too.

  3. Autumn Daisy
  4. Autumn Daisy loves pumpkin spice lattes, walks in the park, and infinity scarves just as much as the next pup. Take her for a walk under the changing leaves and she'll be your friend for life.

  5. Jokester Daisy
  6. Jokester Daisy is a stand-up queen. She is always good for a laugh or to find humor in someone else's terrible corny joke. Be her friend and you'll have a comedic wingman forever!

  7. Dressed Up Daisy
  8. Dressed Up Daisy is always ready for a night out on the town or for welcoming house guests at home. She will dress in the fanciest of ear bows and be sure to be the ultimate party animal.

  9. Christmas Daisy
  10. Christmas Daisy is all about the season of giving (and taking). She will gladly tear into her newest Christmas goodie, rip up all the wrapping paper, and treasure her new toy for years to come.